Sample questions you may be asked at your social security hearing

 Every case is different; no list will contain EVERY question an administrative law judge might ask, and the questions may not be asked in exactly this way, or in this order, but this information should help prevent you from feeling like questions are coming at you from “left field.” Going over this list will also spur you to think about things you might not have previously considered (such as how long you can sit, stand, walk or concentrate).

You will NOT be asked every single question on this list and it is NOT useful to try to memorize answers to the questions. Just read over the list in the days before your hearing. Of course, this list should NOT be construed as legal advice pertaining to your case, and by providing it, I am not acting as your lawyer. My intention is just to provide some really helpful, general information.


Name – address – date of birth

Marital Status and maiden name

Former spouse information

Do you live in a house, apartment, or mobile home?

Who, if anyone, lives with you?

Is anyone in your family on disability/SSI benefits?

Source of income at present and amounts (including things like food stamps, child support, etc.)

Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Height and Weight

Do you use a cane, wheelchair, or other assistive device? Since when? Is it prescribed?

Highest education – any special education classes?

College or Vo-Tech?

Do you have a driver’s license? Any restrictions on it?

Do you have any problems driving?

           How often do you drive weekly or monthly? How far?

           Don’t say “not very often” or “not very far”—say “twice a week for 10 to 20 minutes” (for example)

Do you smoke? – how much? (again, don’t say “very little;” say “1/2 a pack a day” for instance)

           Did you smoke in the past - how long? When did you stop?

Do you drink? – how much and how often? (example: “once a month I drink a 6 pack of beer)

           Did you drink in the past –how long? When did you stop?

Do you use ANY illegal drugs – cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, etc.?

           Did you use any in the past –how long? When did you stop? How did you stop? (AA,

etc.); if you smoke marijuana, do you have a medical card for it?

 Any criminal history (felony-related)

Why did you choose your alleged disability onset date as the day you say to became disabled?

What made you file for benefits on the date you filed? (For example, an injury, or your doctor said to, etc.


Past work – anything in the last 15 years

           What were your title and job duties at each job? Full-time or part-time?

           What was the maximum amount of weight you lifted or carried at that job?

                       Don’t say “a lot;” for example, say “20 to 30 pounds.”

           How much of the day were your walking? Standing? Sitting?

Were you anyone’s boss or supervisor at these jobs?  Did you do the same job they did?

Any work that ended quickly – short term work? Why did it end?

Any time you were fired because of your disability or health?

What was your MOS in the military?

Did you wear ear/hearing protection during service?


Please tell me the parts of your body and/or the mental problems you have trouble with – starting with the worst problem first and the next; work your way from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet and list everywhere you have problems.

 If you have seizures, you will be asked to describe how you feel right before a seizure, how you feel after the seizure, how often you have seizures despite taking medication to prevent them, and how long the seizures and their effects on you usually last.

What problems, if any, do you have standing since you became unable to work? How long can you stand at one time before you absolutely can’t do it anymore? What keeps you from standing more? What do you have to do after you stand for the longest time possible? (For example, do you have to go lie down for an hour? Do you have to walk around for 5 minutes? Do you have to sit for 30 minutes?)

**Remember: when answering how long you can stand and questions like this, don’t say “not very long;” say something like “on a good day I can stand 30 to 45 minutes but on a bad day it’s 5 to 10 minutes.”

 What problems, if any, do you have sitting since you became unable to work? How long can you sit at one time before you absolutely can’t do it anymore? What keeps you from sitting longer than that? What do you have to do after you sit for the longest time possible? (For example, do you have to go lie down for an hour? Do you have to walk around for 5 minutes?) When you sit do you have to elevate your feet? If yes, why?

 What problems, if any, do you walking since you became unable to work? How long (time) or how far (distance) can you walk at one time before you absolutely can’t do it anymore? What keeps you from walking longer or farther? What do you have to do after you walk for the longest time possible? (For example, do you have to go lie down for an hour? Do you have to sit for 30 minutes?)

 Did you have any in-service event(s) that you believe caused your physical/mental issues?

How much weight can you lift at one time? (don’t say “very little” say something like “25 to 30 pounds”)

How much weight could you lift repeatedly throughout the course of a day?

How much weight can you carry at one time?

How much weight could you carry repeatedly throughout the course of a day?

Do you need a cane, crutch or walker? Do you need a brace or support?

What kind of treatment have you had? (For example, surgery, medication, physical therapy, counseling, etc.)

What medicine do you take? Does it help? Have your medicines been changed?

Any side effects from medications?

What do you do to relieve pain? Does it help? (For example, a TENS unit, a hot bath, etc.)

 What problems if any do you have with your hands?

Trouble with grip? Do you drop things? How often (once a day? Twice a month? etc.)?                 

Trouble using tools? Would you try to swing a hammer? Can you pick up coins?

Trouble with buttons/zippers?

Trouble with tweezers/scissors

Problems handling things (give examples of problems with daily activities)?

Problems fingering or putting small things together?

Do you have any problems reaching? 

Out in front?                             


           Give examples (such as problems washing your hair, opening doors, putting away dishes)

Do you have trouble pushing and pulling things?

           Give examples (such as problems pulling or pushing doors open, etc.)

 Describe your sleep – any problems getting to sleep or staying asleep?

How many hours of sleep do you usually get in a normal night?

Do you wake up tired?

Do you need to take naps during the day? If so, how often and for how long?

 What would I catch you doing on an average day to pass the time?

What time do you wake up  - what time do you go to sleep?

Do you lie down during the daylight hours? For how long (total in a day)? Why do you do this?

Do you recline during the daylight hours? For how long (total in a day)? Why do you do this?

Do you have any hobbies now? Do you have any problems doing them?

Hobbies you used to do but gave up? Why did you give them up?

What chores around the house do you do?

What chores in the yard do you do?

Do you do chores all at once, or do you need breaks when you do chores? 

           How long can you work around the house before you must take a break?

           Why do you need a break? For instance—pain in your back, shortness of breath, etc.

What chores can you no longer do?

What chores do you need help with? Who helps you?

Do you cook? What do you cook?

How often? Do you need help with it?

Who does the grocery shopping for you?

How often do you do it or help do it?                          

If you go, do you ride the scooters or lean on the cart?

How long can you spend shopping before you just can’t do it any longer?

What problems if any do you have going out in public?

Where do you go when you leave the house?  

Clubs, groups or church services you attend?  How often?

Do you have days when you can’t leave the house? Why? (For example, pain or depression)

How often do you go out to eat?

Do you go to the movies?

 What problems do you have with taking care of yourself-- bathing, dressing, grooming or getting ready to leave the house?

Have any of your personal habits changed? (showering v. bathing, for example)

 Do you have good days and bad days?

What is a good day like? 

How often do they occur?

What is a bad day like?

How often do they occur?

Do you ever have days where you don’t get out of bed? Why? How often? 

           Do you get up to eat?

           Do you get up to use the bathroom or do you use a bedpan or toilet chair by the bed?

Do you ever have days where you don’t get dressed? Why? How often? 

How does the weather affect your condition, if at all?

 Any problems with depression? 

If so, how does depression keep you from doing what you need to get done?

Any problems with anxiety?

If so, how does anxiety keep you from doing what you need to do?

Do you have panic attacks?

           If yes, how often? How long do they last?

Describe what happens to you during a panic attack.

Do you go off alone and try not to be around people? How often? Why?

Do you have crying spells? How often? Why?

Do you have fits of anger or sudden mood swings? How often? Why?

           Do you yell or throw things?

Do you hear or see things that are not present? How often?

           What sorts of things do you hear and how does that affect you?

           What sorts of things do you see and how does that affect you?

Do you have problems with concentration or focus? How often?

           Give examples (for instance, cannot watch a 1 hour TV show and follow it)

How long can you concentrate at one time?

Do you finish what you start?

           If no, why not? What happens?

Do you have memory problems?

           Give examples (for instance, do you forget to take meds, forget where you’re going while driving, forget your good friend or relatives’ names, etc.)


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