Does PTSD qualify for Social Security Disability?

    In this story I am attaching it says that 1 in 11 people at some point in their life will suffer 

some form of PTSD. That statistic is mind blowing to me. If you read this article please tell me 

if you agree that this type of treatment could help with PTSD.  New Virtual Reality Technology 

to Treat PTSD Enters Clinical Trials | University of Central Florida News (

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI), is an anxiety 

disorder that usually occurs after a person has been involved in a traumatic event, such as 

military combat, sexual assault, childhood abuse, a severe car accident, or a natural disaster. 

Those with PTSD commonly experience nightmares, flashbacks, or panic attacks that 

seriously interfere with everyday life. Some people will think obsessively about their past 

trauma, while others will become emotionally numb and avoid thinking about it at all costs

    The symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder will normally begin to manifest within 

three months of the event that led to the disorder. In some cases, however, the condition may 

not manifest for years. At times, a patient experiencing PTSD may feel that they are getting 

better, only to have the symptoms come back full force at a later point in time. This is 

because the symptoms of the disorder can come and go, being ignited by stress or a 

situation that triggers a memory of the event.

     For a claimant with PTSD to qualify for disability benefits, the Social Security 

Administration will need evidence of anxiety or emotional disturbance.  These are caused by 

regular flashbacks, nightmares, or memories. However, this evidence must be well-

documented to prove the ongoing battle.

    To meet the requirement of anxiety, you must have disruptive flashbacks, nightmares, or memories that cause “marked distress”. This means that you suffer from near-extreme anxiety or emotional disturbance. Furthermore, can come memories that make you uncomfortable. The marked distress must interfere with your daily activities, social life, or ability to concentrate. Other ways to qualify under the anxiety listing are as listed.

  • symptoms of panic attacks
  • OCD
  • phobias
  • generalized anxiety due to your PTSD

    The content of your medical records is critical to the processing of a SSDI claim. In your record there should be at least one detailed description of a typical episode of PTSD. Be sure to include the frequency and duration of any panic attacks. As well as what triggers your symptoms. A doctor should include whether your description of your symptoms matches his/her opinion of your mental state. Also, your medical records should detail how your PTSD symptoms impact your ability to function at home and work.

If you need helping applying for Social Security Disability or SSI, please contact me at I have over 20 years experience with Social Security Disability cases.


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