Can I get Social Security Disability if I have Arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition with swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. The common symptom includes pain and stiffness in joints.  

There are many types of arthritis that affect people. The two main forms of joint pain are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disorder that affects the lining of your joints. After some time, it can harm your joint ligament and bones resulting in stiffness and pain. Osteoarthritis happens when ligaments in your joints wear out over time. If your arthritis confines your daily movements, or activities you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. Treatments vary depending on the type of arthritis. The treatment focuses on reducing symptoms and improving quality of life.  The most common symptoms in the initial stages are:

1. Joint pain- knee or hip pain

2. Swelling

3. Redness in the joints

4. Tenderness in joints

5. Loss of appetite

6. Fever

Your level of disability depends on the daily activities you find troublesome. For illustration, you'll have trouble:

1. walking up stairs

2. walking for a extended period of time

3. standing or sitting

4. grasping small objects

5. lifting 10 pounds or more

6. holding your arms up

It is real important if you have Arthritis to treat with a specialist. To many times people will just goto their family doctor. It is important that any doctor you see document specifically your problems each time you goto the doctor. Judges want to see that you are complaining about each area you have pain. If you complain about your shoulder one time, but you have had pain for years and your shoulder pain is not in your medical records each time, the judge will think that the pain must not have been that bad for the doctor to document the pain. Also, judges want to see that your are following the doctor's recommendation for pain relief. That could be medicine, physical therapy, injections etc. 

If you need helping applying for Social Security Disability or SSI, please contact me at I have over 20 years experience with Social Security Disability cases. 


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