Parkinson's Disease

Many people suffer from Parkinson's Disease, even famous people like Michael J. Fox, Mohammed Ali, Alan Alda, Neil Diamond etc. There are many every day people who also suffer from Parkinson's Disease who have trouble working and paying their living expenses. 

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive condition, which means it starts with minor symptoms, such as hand tremors, but progressively gets worse over time. It’s a degenerative disease that affects the central nervous system. 

The disease is the result of the death of neurotransmitters, which affect motor symptoms and eventually cognitive functions. Typically, Parkinson’s Disease symptoms begin on one side of the body, with that side having more severe symptoms than the other. Most cases have no known cause. While some Parkinson’s cases have been found to be genetic, most are unknown. 

The most common motor symptoms of the disease include:

-Slowness of Movement: Also known as Bradykinesia, fine motor skills begin to slow down. Common actions such as buttoning, writing, and putting on clothing become increasingly difficult as the disease progresses.

-Rigid Limbs: Excessive muscle contraction results in rigid arms and legs. 

-Postural Instability: Balance can be affected as the disease progresses, leading to possible falls and bone fractures. 

The symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease are known collectively as Parkinsonian Syndrome (PS). While most Parkinsonian Syndrome cases are caused by the disease itself, there are other medical disorders that can result in PS. These include brain trauma, brain infections, brain disorders caused by strokes, drugs, and brain tumors. 

Parkinson’s Disease is currently incurable, but there are treatments and medications that can alleviate the symptoms with varying degrees of success. 

Physical therapy can aid with maintaining muscle flexibility and strength, while drugs can help solve the movement problems associated with the disease. Some patients have responded well to electrodes planted within the brain, which provide relief from symptoms such as tremors. 

In fact, many are able to work for a long time after receiving a diagnosis.  Thus, if you are filing a claim, it is important that you provide medical evidence that your Parkinson’s disease symptoms are of a level of severity that prevent you from working.  Even if you are still working and not ready to make a claim, be sure that your doctors are documenting your symptoms in your medical records.  If your symptoms progress to the point of disability, having the symptom progression documented in the medical records can help you prove your claim and explain what changed over time to render you disabled.

The SSA’s listing for Parkinson’s disease is found in the Blue Book at 11.06 Parkinsonian syndromeTo meet listing 11.06, despite adherence to prescribed treatment for at least three consecutive months (see 11.00C), you must have:

A. Disorganization of motor function in two extremities (see 11.00D1), resulting in an extreme limitation (see 11.00D2) in the ability to stand up from a seated position, balance while standing or walking, or use the upper extremities.


B. Marked limitation (see 11.00G2) in physical functioning (see 11.00G3a), and in one of the following:

  1. Understanding, remembering, or applying information (see 11.00G3b(i)); or
  2. Interacting with others (see 11.00G3b(ii)); or
  3. Concentrating, persisting, or maintaining pace (see 11.00G3b(iii)); or
  4. Adapting or managing oneself (see 11.00G3b(iv)).

Don’t get overwhelmed with these requirements.  When making your initial applicable for SSDI benefits, follow the SSA’s instructions and focus on providing medical evidence of the symptoms that prevent you from working in any job reliably or consistently.  The evidence you use can come from many sources such as your medical records, test results, pharmacy records, reports from your doctors, your own personal statement, witness statements from your loved ones who have observed how Parkinson’s disease impacts your life.  If your SSDI claim is denied, consider contacting an SSDI lawyer who can help you navigate SSA’s rules and regulations on appeal.

If you need helping applying for Social Security Disability or SSI, please contact me at I have over 20 years experience with Social Security Disability cases.


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