Reasons to hire an attorney before your social security disability case begins

Social Security will not rely on your word when determining eligibility. You may be denied because you don’t have medical evidence supporting your conditions. This can be a catch 22 situation because you don’t have medical insurance since you are unable to work due to your medical conditions.  You should apply for the Affordable Care Act or seek a free clinic in your area. Without medical records to support your condition, SSA will more than likely deny your claim. If you want to win your disability claim, you need to seek medical treatment so as to document your limitations. It is not enough to simply be diagnosed with a condition. There needs to be medical evidence supporting how your diagnosis affects your ability to work. You also need to treat with more than just your family doctor. You need objective evidence such as an MRI, EMG or even Xray to support your claim of physical pain.

You should hire an attorney when you first apply. You think you are saving money by not hiring an attorney and having to pay an attorney if you win. An attorney only gets a fee if you win your case. If you lose your case you do not have to pay an attorney fee. You have nothing to lose and only a better chance at winning your case if you hire an attorney from the start.

You actually have a better chance of losing money by not hiring an attorney from the beginning of the case. If you have an attorney you could win your case at the initial stage and start your monthly payments sooner than if you have to appeal your case. If you do your own case and lose and have to refile you could be losing out on years of pa.yments from social security than having to pay an attorney fee the first time. 

Another reason to hire an attorney right away is that most people do not complete the function report and work history report correctly. Words that you use matter to Social Security. Often times people use the wrong words on their questionnaires and it hurts their case, they just do not realize it. For example, a person under 50 may put that they can not lift much weight, but can lift 10 pounds. Well, if your under 50, Social Security may find you can perform sedentary work, work that the maximum weight needed to lift is 10 pounds.

If you need helping applying for Social Security Disability or SSI, please contact me at I have over 20 years experience with Social Security Disability cases.


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