Social Security Disability expedited hearing

So people ask how can I get my Social Security Disability Case heard sooner than later. There are a few rare circumstances that allow this. You could request to have your claim flagged as a critical case.  The reason it is rare to jump in line ahead of other people is when you request a hearing before an administrative law judge you are essentially given a number in line. When your number is called you are given a hearing date. Some cases are heard a little quicker because it also depends on the judge assigned to your case. Some judges hear more cases than others. If you request to have your claim expedited, you will jump in front of thousands of other individuals in a similar situation as yourself. For that reason alone, it is very difficult to have your claim expedited.

If you are in dire need of benefits quickly, you may have the ability to bump up the date of your SSDI hearing if you can prove it. For example, if you are unable to pay for critical medications, in danger of losing your home, or have another dire life circumstance, you have the option of sending a “dire need” letter to the hearing office. The best route to go in this scenario is writing a short, concise letter that provides exact detail of your situation. Supporting evidence such as copies of eviction notices, letters from a doctor, and others will help your case.

Not everyone will be determined to have a critical claim. There are certain criteria that first must be met. Some of the reasons your claim may be flagged as critical include:

1. You are a veteran receiving 100% service-connected disability;

2.  You have been diagnosed with a terminal illness;

3. Your condition meets a compassionate allowance;

4.  You are in a dire need situation. A dire need situation exists when the individual lacks food or shelter or is unable to afford medicine or medical care. This proof can include letters of eviction, notices that utilities have been disconnected, or pharmacy bills showing medical costs. Those who can do this may have their case deemed a “dire need” case, which means it could be expedited.

If your disability is likely to result in death, then the Social Security Administration will expedite your claim. This way, you won’t have to worry about approval when it’s too late. See below for some reasons the SSA may consider your case in need of an expedited hearing.

1. Your doctor states that your condition is terminal.

2. You’re on a wait list for a heart, liver, lung or bone marrow transplant.

3. You have ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

4. You’re in a coma that has lasted for longer than 30 days.

5. You have AIDS.

6. You’re suffering some certain types of cancer.

7. You enrolled in an at-home or in-patient hospice care program.

8. Ongoing need for life-support.

9. You need continuous home oxygen and can’t care for your own personal needs.

10. Your cancer metastasized, recurred, or is in stage IV following treatment or inoperable cancer.

11. You have a newborn who was born with a congenital defect or fatal genetic defect.

If you need helping applying for Social Security Disability or SSI, please contact me at I have over 20 years experience with Social Security Disability cases.


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