Consultative Examination

A consultative examination is a medical or psychological exam that the Disability Determination Service (DDS) will request an individual undergo. A consultative exam essentially allows the individual applying for Social Security to provide more information and context for their disability claim. These exams are especially important in cases where the individual does not have a lot of medical treatment or records supporting their disability claim. 

If the SSA requires you to have a consultative exam, you need to make your best effort to go to the appointment on time. If you cannot make the appointment, try to reschedule as soon as possible.

It will help your case if you go to the consultative exam prepared to answer the medical provider’s questions. You should prepare a list of your medical condition(s) and treatments you have and are taking for it.

-Be  completely honest-do not exaggerate your symptoms but explain how they affect your daily life. Do not hide anything, such as past treatment for addiction.

-Be  polite and cooperative. Answer questions politely, honestly, and completely.

-Be thorough-explain all your conditions and limitations. Giving vague responses like “I can’t do anything” or “I can’t work because of pain” will not help you get approved for payments. Give examples of how your pain or other symptoms stop you from doing normal daily activities.  Be prepared to give specific numbers.

The SSA pays for the examination and will use the results to decide your case.  If you do not attend the examination, SSA can use your failure to attend to deny your claim.

The problem is that these doctors oftentimes don’t fully review the claimant’s full medical history, or they don’t go far enough in their examination to give the claim adjuster the accurate and in-depth information to come to an appropriate result. That’s why you need to do everything you can to support your claim with strong medical evidence outside of what a consultative examination might provide. If you have questions about how to do that, then it might be time to talk to an experienced Social Security disability attorney.

If you need help applying for Social Security Disability or SSI, please contact me at I have over 20 years experience with Social Security Disability cases.


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