Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s is one of a group of disorders known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s disease can be extremely debilitating and painful. It is generally a lifelong problem for which there is no definitive cure.

With Crohn’s, the intestines are irritated and inflamed, often with complications of sores and bowel obstructions. Symptoms include severe diarrhea, as well as abdominal pain and cramping. Flare-ups may come on suddenly and last weeks or months, turning your world into chaos and suffering. 

If one of the reasons why you cannot work has to do with your need to take excessive bathroom breaks, it will be important to document this by your doctors medical records and a daily diary. 

Crohn’s Disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive system. The symptoms related to this inflammation are:

-Persistent Diarrhea

-Rectal bleeding

-Urgent need to move bowels

-Abdominal cramps and pain

-Sensation of incomplete evacuation

-Constipation (can lead to bowel obstruction)

Crohn’s disease can be debilitating or it can go into remission.   Treatment can consist of medications, nutrition therapy or surgery.   Surgery does not cure the Crohn’s disease, though.  If it is debilitating due to pain and recurrent diarrhea then it can be a basis to obtain social security disability.  There is a listing for inflammatory bowel disease for social security purposes

Diagnosis is based on medical history, an assessment of your symptoms, and results of various tests. Your doctor will rule out similar disorders, and work to establish the existence of Crohn’s by performing tests which may include: 

-blood tests

-stool tests

-imaging tests (barium x-ray, MRI, CT scans)

-glucose breath test

-barium enema

-upper endoscopy (upper GI tract)

-colonoscopy (lower GI tract)


-capsule endoscopy

It is very important to keep a diary if you suffer from Crohn's and your applying for social securitty disability. You want to keep track of how often you get flare ups; how long do the flare ups happen; what symptoms you have; if you goto the bathroom, you want to keep track how often during the day and how long your in the bathroom. 

If you need help applying for Social Security Disability or SSI, please contact me at I have over 20 years experience with Social Security Disability cases.


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