Adult Function Report

The Adult  Function Report, also referred to as an ADL (activities of daily living) questionnaire, is officially known as form SSA-3373. This 10-page form is comprised of five sections and is usually sent after you have filed your initial application. 

The Adult Function Report provides detailed information to the SSA about how your condition impacts your life from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep. Certain sections of the Adult Function Report ask claimants to explain how their condition hinders day-to-day function and how that condition restricts them from working. It’s important to use this form to describe what you go through every day in thorough detail.

Do not write a book. Most people think they should include their life story. You should not. Keep your answers short and to the point. Do not write a lot. Most of the time Social Security uses these form to find you not disabled because of what you write on these forms. I have never had a case where the function report was used to find a person disabled. I have seen plenty of cases where judges have used the function report to find a person not disabled. 

Don’t rush. Think about all the changes to your daily life due to your disability. Providing as many details about these life adjustments will make your case stronger. The SSA does not get the opportunity to see you physically during the application process, so they have to rely on your medical records and the Adult Function Report to understand why you cannot work.

Review your Adult Function Report and imagine how a review panel or judge would view your answers. Some questions on the report can be confusing to claimants. If you don’t fully understand a question or feel you may have written something that may harm your case, it’s a good idea to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable disability lawyer to learn if you can clarify the information.

Don’t volunteer anything especially any activities. 

Keep your answer short – you don’t need more space than is provided. Do not use any added space unless you really have to add something that is very important. 

Try to figure out how Social Security can relate your answer to the question to your disability or if they can turn your answer into a job.

Take each question seriously even if it seems stupid or embarrassing to you.

Avoid using words like “never,” “always,” and “definitely”.

Make sure to address all your impairments in the form not just some. Often people will address just their mental or physical impairment, that is a mistake. 

Disability attorneys understand how to effectively and comprehensively answer the questions on the Adult Function Report, as well as how to gather the other medical records and documentation necessary to support your claim. An experienced lawyer can also help you clarify information in a way that will be most helpful to your disability case and support you in determining which ADLs to include on the form.

If you need help applying for Social Security Disability or SSI, please contact me at I have over 20 years experience with Social Security Disability cases. I handle cases all over the United States. 


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